
These are all excellent resources for improving your English skills. They are organized by skill, however, all skills are connected and work with one will help another.

Beginning Listening/Speaking

U.S.A. Learns

Christian Resources

ESL for Christians  - This site has many types of Christian exercises for the ESL learner.

Grammar  - This site has many self study quizzes on common grammar topics.  - Again, lots of grammar exercises. - Contrary to what this really horrible title suggests, this is a helpful website with lots of grammar quizzes.


Idiom Connection  - This site has a long list of idioms and quizzes.

in2english - Animated idioms. - More animated idioms. - Games with idioms.

Cambridge English Online - Quizzes and games.

English Portal - An interactive game to help learn idioms.

ReadWriteThink - This is a good site because it has picture representations, and allows you to use your own example. - This site has links and printouts.

BBC Learning English - From the BBC this site uses videos.

Idioms 4 You - Here you can get feedback from a real teacher.

Integrated Skills

Duolingo - This site is free and starts from the beginning as you work your way from beginner to advanced.


TED - Many different types of fascinating lectures.

voscreen - Fun with movies for listening practice.

Vocaroo - Here you can record your own voice message.

The Art of Storytelling Delaware Museum of Art - This site allows you to use art to tell a story.

Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab  - A listening site with great pre, post and follow-up activities.

MOOCS - These are free online classes.

BDPA Detroit Chapter MOOCs: Top 10 Sites for Free Education With Elite Universities


Center for Language Education HKUST - This is a comprehensive site on improving pronunciation.


Dan Kurland's - This is an excellent site to help you develop your critical thinking skills. - This site will help you learn more about your level in vocabulary.

Vocabulary  - This site has many types of quizzes you can use for testing yourself including many on vocabulary.

Simple English Wikipedia - A simpler version of Wikipedia that may be easier for ESL students to understand.  - This site introduces new words then presents a quiz. After using the site for a short time it becomes predictive and creates personalized lists.