Tuesday, September 25, 2012

RSS Readers

Lesson 6 – RSS Readers

Today we will look at a way to keep Internet media, that is interesting to you, all in one place in your Google account.

What is an RSS Reader?
1.     First, go to this site and read about RSS Feeds. http://www.whatisrss.com/
2.     Next go to this site and watch the video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0klgLsSxGsU
3.     Then go to your blog and create a blog titled: What is an RSS Reader? and answer these questions.
a.     Describe (in your own words) what an RSS Reader is.
b.     Why would you use an RSS Reader?
c.      What are the two things you need to do to create one?

Creating a RSS Reader
1.     Since you have a Google account, you already have a Reader.
2.     To find it go to you account page or your homepage. At the top is a tiny black bar. In the middle is a dropdown menu with the word More. Click on that.
3.     Then scroll down to Reader.
4.     Now comes the fun part. Choose some websites that you would like to follow. You will need at least ten, but you can choose more.
5.     To subscribe you can do two things: Follow the instructions in the video, or you can simply click on the orange button on the left that says Subscribe and add the url of the website you want to add.
6.     Add to your blog post the links to the sites you added and a short description of what the site is and why it interests you.

Post Comments
1.     After you have finished your lab, go to your classmate’s blog and read their response.
2.     Read both their answers to the questions and their list of sites. Comment on each of these elements.
3.     Post a comment under our CALL class Lesson 6 when you have finished this lab.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

New Submissions

From now on please post a comment under each lesson/post on our homepage when you are finished with the lesson. I will make comments and if I make suggestions then I want you to make those corrections, and after that I will change your grade.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Lesson 5 – TED

Today we will look at a great resource for listening and learning about new ideas. This site has videos of many different lectures that are given during TED conferences.
1.     Go to this site and read just the introduction.
2.     Next go to this website: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TED_%28conference%29
3.     You will need to register.  On the main page in the in the upper right hand corner click on Register. Follow the instructions.
4.     Then on the left side of the page, you can choose what type of lecture you want to listen to. Choose a couple and listen to them. Post comments under the video about each one you watched. Email me the link to the pages where you posted your comments.
5.     Next go to TED Conversations in the upper right hand corner.  Explore Ideas, Questions and Debates. There will be a video from which the Ideas, Questions and Debates are created. Chose a topic under each one. Post a comment after watching the video associated with it.
6.     In your blog create a post titled: TED.com and answer these questions.
a.     Post links to each video you watched and summarize the main ideas.
b.     Post a link to the discussions you choose and explain why you choose it.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Lesson 4 – Resources

Before you do anything else, go back and read the comments I posted on your blogs. Make any corrections that I suggested then email me so I know I need to change your grade. Next check your grade for this class on Populi so you can see any assignments you haven't corrected yet. Then you can start the lesson for today.

1.     After you have finished Lesson 3 – Web 2.0, go to our class Resources page and look at the link, and choose a few to do some work with.
2.     At the end of class create a post titled Resources and tell me:
a.     What sites you used.
b.     Was it helpful? Why or why not.
c.      Will you use them again?

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Web 2.0

Lesson 3 – Web 2.0

Today we will explore the term Web 2.0. We will look at some types of Web 2.0 applications and find some that you would like to work with this semester.

Web 2.0
1.     Go to this video and answer the questions in your blog and title it Web 2.0. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxID2GQWaqI&feature=related
a.     How are Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 different?
b.     What are some examples of Web 2.0?
2.     If you have not logged in then use your Google Account to log in to YouTube and “like” or “dislike” this video and post a comment about it.
3.     Go to this article and read through Characteristics, Technologies, Concepts and Usage. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_2.0
4.     In your own words, describe as best as you can, what Web 2.0 is.

Blogs 2
5.     Now go to this video and learn a little more about blogs. http://www.commoncraft.com/video/blogs
6.     Post in your blog titled Web 2.0 explaining what you learned new about blogs.

7.     Now go to this link and explore some Web 2.0 sites. http://www.ebizmba.com/articles/web-2.0-websites
8.     Choose some you might like to use in this class.
9.     In your post in your blog titled: Web 2.0 answer these questions:
a.     List the sites you might like to use.
b.     Why they interest you.
c.       How you might like to use them.